Articles, Webcasts & more
Webinars, Podcasts, TV
- Gateway School of Mumbai “Screen Time and Behavior.” Lindsey Biel, developmental optometrist Dr. Fran Reinstein, and nutrionist Kelly Dorfman speak on visual, sensory, motor, and nutritional aspects.
- ADDitude Lindsey Biel talks about strategies to improve handwriting.
- The Speech TreeSensory processing differences.
- ADDitude Lindsey Biel and Carol Kranowitz talk about Sensory Smart™ Strategies for Children with Sensory Processing Disorder and ADHD.
- Fox News — Lindsey Biel on teens with SPD.* Don Johnston Human Learning ToolsDysgraphia and Writing Challenges: Powerful Approaches that Improve Written Communication
- NPR-WFUV “Hidden in Plain Sight: Sensory Processing Disorder” radio documentary.
- Atomic Moms Podcast “Solving Sensory Overload”
- National Autism Association Webinar Sensory Smart™ Strategies webinar
- Autism Research Institute 2020 Webinar: Sensory Strategies during the Pandemic
- ARI 2017 Webinar: Supporting Sensory Needs
- ARI 2013 Conference: Raising a Sensory Smart Child
- Future Health Podcast - Understanding the Sensory Sensitivity Continuum
- Norton Mental Health — Lindsey Biel on sensory challenges, research, the DSM and more
- Practical Understanding of Sensory Processing Disorder
- Visual Processing Podcast.
Magazines, Newspapers and Online
- New York Times: How to Improve Your Child’s Handwriting
- New York Times: Why Won’t My Child Sit Still?
- New York Times: Tips for Solving 6 Common Remote Learning Issues
- New York Times: How to Help Your Child Wear a Mask
- New York Times: Outfitting A Home for a Child on the Autism Spectrum
- New York Times: What is Sensory Processing Disorder?
- Parents Magazine: Kids Who Feel Too Much
- Parents Magazine: Quirky Kid Behaviors that Actually Have a Purpose
- ADDitude Magazine: Practical Strategies and Tools to Help Kids with Dysgraphia
- ADDitude Magazine: Help for My Son’s Sensory Issues
- Cubby: Expert-Approved Tips on Setting Up a Sensory Room for Kids
- Child Mind Institute: Problems with Coordination
- Child Mind Institute: What is Assistive Technology?
- Child Mind Institute: How to Get Assistive Technology for Your Child in School
- Forbes: The Best Sensory Toys for Babies and Toddlers* Autism Advocate: Help for Handwriting
- Autism Advocate: Help for Handwriting
- Autism Advocate: Surviving Sound Sensitivity: A Five-Step Plan
- Autism Advocate: Sensory Smart™ Strategies for the Holidays
- Autism Advocate: Overcoming Fear of Needles and Shots
- Autism Advocate: Meeting Sensory Needs During the Pandemic
- Mumbai Mirror: Are You Reading the Signs Right?
- Working Mother Magazine: Five Simple Ways to Make Life Easier for Your Sensitive Child
- Life Hacker: Helping Clothing-Sensitive Kids
- Autism Research Institute: Choosing a Toy for a Child with Autism
- The Atlantic: The Problem With This Year’s Most Comfortable Holiday Fad
- Maximizing Visual Processing Skills
- Fatherly: The Controversial Push to Separate Autism from Sensory Processing Disorder
- Psychology Today Q & A
- OTs: What Do They Do?
- Sensory Processing Issues Explained
- Storknet Q & A with Lindsey Biel and Nancy Peske
More Articles by Lindsey Biel
- Sensory Overload
- “A Sensory Diet Happens 24/7” — Part One, Part Two
- The Sensory—Behavior Connection
- Sensory Smart Self-Care Strategies
- Sensory Smart Clothing Choices
- 20 Strategies for Sensitive Students and Sensory Smarts Goes to School
- Handwriting Strategies
- Here Comes the Sun and Summer Fun
- Happy Mouths, Happy Meals
- Biters, Chewers, Suckers, and Pickers
- Fidget Toys or Focus Tools?
- When Life Stinks
- Help for Sleepy Kids
- Managing Sound Sensitivity
- Quiet Down!
- Sensory Friendly Art and Sensory Smart Art
- Interview with Lindsey Biel
- Sensory Smart Parenting
- Parenting Your Preemie with Sensory Issues
- Sensory Issues and the IEP at DDR.
- Back to Basics
- Holidays Strategies and 15 Sensory Smart Holiday Strategies
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