Meet Lindsey Biel, Occupational Therapist

Lindsey Biels headshot

Clinical OT Practice

Lindsey is an occupational therapist with over 25 years of experience working with babies, children, teens, and adults in New York City. She started her career with a degree in English/Journalism, working as a writer for many years. Feeling unfulfilled, she earned a coveted full scholarship to New York University’s Occupational Therapy program, getting her Master’s degree in 1999. She worked in the NYC Public Schools and the NY State Early Intervention program before starting her private practice where she evaluates and works with clients ages 6 months to 60 years.

Lindsey takes an individualized, sensory-informed approach, combining her training in programs including Therapeutic Listening, Astronaut Training, DIR/Floortime, Neuro-Developmental Treatment, Sensory Integration, Brain Gym, Myofascial Release, Integrative Nutrition, Visual Processing Development, Handwriting Without Tears and more. Commitment to her clients’ self-advocacy and self-actualization always guides her work.

What Clients and Families are Saying

“I have always appreciated the time and expertise Lindsey shared with my daughter and our family. Without it would have been like driving down a dark road with no headlights.” — J.B.

“Aside from being a brilliant practitioner, it is her love of what she does and commitment to seeing kids flourish that make my kids love her and work so hard. I’m incredibly grateful for how much she has helped my kids.” — J.L.

“Meeting Lindsey changed the direction of my son’s life from the minute we met her. My son was diagnosed with PDD at the age of 18 months and we were so lost… She helped us out dramatically with a plan of attack. My son is now a thriving student and great athlete with mild sensory challenges, and to this day Lindsey would never turn me down if we needed help.” — C.D.

“Lindsey is the most skilled clinician in assessing children and adult with sensory and other challenges I have had the pleasure of working with. Her holistic, practical and approachable style gives you confidence in her expertise and a clear understanding of her assessment and recommendations. I trust her implicitly and have collaborated with her professionally as well as had her work with my own children.” — Kate Whyte, JD, LCSW

“Lindsey is a remarkable human being that helped to change the life of my daughter. She … connected to the whole child as a person, helping us to see her as who she could truly become. Her positive attitude will help you have a deeper appreciation of your child and give you tools to help them and you!!” — M.M.

“Before meeting Lindsey, I struggled with sensory overwhelm in crowds with loud noises and from smells…. Lindsey took the time to get to know me, to really listen and show compassion. Together, we were able to figure out what my sensory needs are. Lindsey was so thoughtful in coming up with strategies, solutions, and tools for helping me. Because of her creative thinking and openness, she was able to meet my specific and unique needs.” — Emily Leduc Gagné

Interested in working with Lindsey? Contact to discuss your needs.

Speaking Engagements

Lindsey has taught parents, teachers, therapists and others at conferences, workshops, webinars and podcasts including the Yale Child Study Center, Kennedy Child Study Center, Bank Street College of Education, NYC Department of Education, Adapt Community Network, Guggenheim Museum, NPR, Fox Health, Voice of America, Sensory Integration Education UK, and the Gateway School of Mumbai. See previous speaking engagements.

Lindsey is now booking in-person workshops and webinars on:

Please contact to discuss your training needs.

What Attendees are Saying

Sensory Smart Strategies for Real-Life Challenges

Building Fine Motor and Graphomotor Skills

Positive, Strength-Based Strategies for Sensitive Kids: A Sensory Smart™ Approach

Strategies for Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout

“Thank you so much for such a highly engaging, therapeutically grounded webinar. You are a wonderful role model of living with the stresses of life in such an authentic way while still impacting powerful transformational messages.”
— Rosalind Gray Rogers, Chair-Board of Sensory Integration Education

Books and Publications

Advisory Boards

Lindsey has served on advisory boards including Guggenheim For All educational/accessbility committee, Smithsonian Cooper-Hewitt Museum’s Accessiblity Committee, Gateway School of Mumbai, Museum of the Moving Image Marvels of Media program, Invictus Bakery, and the MeetingHouse Afterschool Program NYC.